Management Skills
Q 1: Explain Planning Skills?
Ans: Planning skills includes:-
1. Ability to think a head
2. Ability to achieve goals of the organization
3. Ability to forecast future environment forces.
4. Ability to reach at standard performance
Q 2 : Explain organizing Skills?
Ans: Organizing Skills includes:-
1. Ability to analyze and define various jobs.
2. Ability to Select, train and orient people in jobs.
3. Define authority and responsibility.
4. Ability to change the strategy of the organization.
Q 3 : Explain Leading Skills?
Ans: Leading skills includes:-
1. Personality of the People.
2. Attitude of the People.
3. Values of the People.
4. Perception of the People.
Q 4: Explain Personality?
Ans: It is a combination of all Personal characteristics of an individual. It is determined by our values and beliefs.
Q 5: Explain Attitude?
Ans: Attitude refers to the Person’s tendency to behave in a Particular manner towards a person or an object.
Q 6. "Attitudes are learned” comment?
Ans: Yes it is learned because it includes the three aspects:-
1. Cognitive aspect concerned with beliefs & ideas towards a person or a situation.
For Example:- Appreciation the work done by a worker.
2. Behavioral aspect concerned with the action of person.
For Example:- Whether a worker is interested to work or not to work.
3. Affective aspect concerned with feeling and emotions to work.
For Example:- When a Sales officer has Feeling to become a Sales Manager.
Q 7 . Explain Controlling Skills?
Ans. Controlling Skills includes:-
(i) Actions and Decisions taken by manager So as to achieve the
desired Results.
(ii) To remove deviation between Actual and Standard
Q 8. What is Perception?
Ans. It is the Process by which individuals, organize and interpret their
impressions of the environment around them.
For Example:- Individual always try to minimize the changes in
perceiving (Understanding) anything.
Q 8. What is Value?
Ans. When a person holds some status or role to influence the values of
Q 9. What is Decision – making skill?
Ans. Steps involved in Decision – making process.
Q 10. Explain Levels of Manager?
Ans. (i) Top Level
(ii) Middle Level
(iii) Lower Level (First Level Manager)
Q 11. Explain Managerial Skills at various Levels?
Ans. Managerial Skills refers to the ability of a manager to be used in a particular situation.
According to Katz, he has three types of skills:-
1. Technical Skills:- It refers to the deployment (use) of resources in a particular area of expertise.
For Example:-
(i) When accounts officer use his skills in the Field of Accounts i.e. How
to keep the Books of A/c.
(ii) Doctor knows to use which tools to be employed for the treatment of
(b) Human Skills:- It refers to those skills which a manager uses for the
effective and efficient utilization of resources by building up proper
cooperation and coordination with the team he works.
For Example:-
(i) Manager should lookout at the problems of workers i.e. Job Security,
Providing Incentives, Bonus etc.
(c) Conceptual Skills: It refers to the ability or skills of a manager to see the organization as a whole and must recognize how does he coordinate and integrate a variety of factors.
For Example:- If a manager introduces some change in the production process, he must also know the effect of these changes on the people.
Q 12: Which skills are most important to top level management?
Ans: Conceptual Skills.
Q 13: Which skills are most important to lower level or first level managers?
Ans: Technical Skills.
Q 14: Which skills according to you between the human and the conceptual skills is Prominent?
Ans: Both Skills must be required at all the levels of management.
Q 15: Explain the Skills of Top level management?
Explain the Function of Top level managers?
Ans: (i) Appointing middle level manager.
2. Formulating the policies of the Business.
3. Taking important decisions
4. Issuing guidelines to middle level management.
5. Building Strong relations with middle level management.
6. Monitoring and receiving the functions of an organization.
7. Searching competent employees at all levels and rewarding them for outstanding performance.
Q 16: Explain the role of a top level executive?
Ans. (i) Identify creating role:-
→ Building good Relations with employees for making employees happy.
→ Must know or familiar with technological innovations and changes.
2. Enabling role:-
→ Marketing proper balance between input and output.
→ Developing all the facilities for a good work atmosphere such as men, material etc.
→ Providing proper training.
3. Balancing role:-
→ Making Balance between conformity and creativity.
→ Accepting and responding new challenges of the environment.
→ confirming rules and regulations so as to actives the goals of the organization.
4. Synergizing role:-
→ Human and Physical resource should be collectively used for the purpose of achievement of organizational goals.
5. linking Building role:-
→ Performing Social responsibilities for the benefit of the organization as well as the society.
→ People development Programmes are introduced in rural areas such as health, education etc.
6. Futuristic role:-
→ Expansion or diversification of the organization for meeting new
Learn Management Skills
16 years ago
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